An Artist of International Reputation

YVES JOSEPH NOLET is a Canadian artist with an International following. His works are part of private and business collections across Canada, Europe United States. Nolet is honoured to have his work included in the Vatican Collection of Pope John Paul II.
NOLET draws his ideas from commonplace emotions and experiences and conveys them in a manner that can be drawn out differently each viewing time. Quite often he hides an image in his paintings that springs forth only after the onlooker is made aware of its existence. Nolet, a neo-abstract expressionist painter, has been particularly successful in capturing the image of the North American Indian as a profound and noble subject.


is one of the paintings that introduced the relatively unknown Nolet to the art community. This work is intense in its depiction of the solitude and pride associated with the North American Indian ancestry. On closer examination one can see a couple embracing on the left side of the nose. When this work was originally auctioned in 1989 it created such excitement in the audience that it was ultimately sold for $ 24,500 + charges. Nolet, loyal to the reputation of the typical artist as being elusive, paints with a passion that places no restriction on time. His hermit like existence, full of fertile imagination comes alive in the early hours before sunrise. It is at this time, in the silence, that he finds peace within himself and the urge to put his ideas on canvas.

Kamika is another example of Nolet's art depicting the North American Indian. A similar work was recently acquired by the Director of Tourism, Toulouse, France. The Director as well as members of his delegation were also fortunate to visit the Indian Chief and the reservation that has influenced much of Nolet's North American Indian ancestry thematic material.



YVES JOSEPH NOLET interpreter of Amerindian spirituality

Yves Joseph Nolet is a painter wholly involved in a personal inquiry that has led him to a crossroads situated between figurative and abstract expression. Supported by the Native people of Canada, he is without question the true interpreter of Amerindian spirituality. That is, he is an authentic witness to a spirituality that reaches back in time to the dawn of Mankind. Within this highly promising approach, each painting exists as a well defined moment of his inquiry. He does not retreat from the reality of his own creative powers. Thus, many Amerindian groups and chiefs in Canada have total confidence in his ability to transcribe and interpret their humanism. Nolet already has behind him a long and prolific career which has made a name for him on several continents. Bountiful in his creativity, this artist is a master whose talent is universal.

Jacques de Roussan, I.A.C.A Art Writer Montreal, October 1992


M. R Ed Brohel; Sun Museum executive director, art critic and expert in the field of art, also contributes his time at NEW YORK State UNIVERSITY.
During the Television special on Art at "ART AUCTION 57" at W.C.F.E. New York in his own words Mr. Brohel describes YVES JOSEPH NOLET work 'Mr. Brohel citation'.
The artist has a very resting image, stylistically echos a certain heritage in the french Mid twentieth century work. The artist looks back in that particular group of painter such as "George Ruel". YVES JOSEPH NOLET brings back the origin in his work. It takes a lot of concentration, gesture and texture to bring ont such handsome pieces. Determined to relate quite a différent meaning to his work. The more you look at the artist's work, you realize he's creating a sommation to some degree of images in his experience. Or the conditions in the way the artist lives. Miss Lola Johnson; Executive director of modem Arts VermonL Citation "The work is incredibly quanting, the more you look at it the more it involves you. Tight and restrained, his work speaks very strongly for itself."